inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^
aroddoold's Articles » Page 3
June 6, 2009 by aroddoold
  Kinda weird.
June 1, 2009 by aroddoold
How about giving each forum user a direct link to his pantheon stats, provided he has one ?    
June 1, 2009 by aroddoold
Do we get one ?
May 27, 2009 by aroddoold
For numerous reasons, I'm not able to use just one browser when surfing. I prefer Firefox, but your site is about the only reason why I have  to use different browsers as well. I don't need any tips on what browser I should use - I want you to note the site problems so you can fix them. Browser Speed: Speed tested with forum thread overview and a long thread: Thread: Forum:  Fire...
May 6, 2009 by aroddoold
Demigod gameplay videos. ...