inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^
Published on May 27, 2009 By aroddoold In Forum Issues

For numerous reasons, I'm not able to use just one browser when surfing.

I prefer Firefox, but your site is about the only reason why I have to use different browsers as well. I don't need any tips on what browser I should use - I want you to note the site problems so you can fix them.

Browser Speed:

Speed tested with forum thread overview and a long thread:

Firefox 3.0.10       : Very slow, especially when scrolling through long threads with many messages.

Firefox 3.5b4        : Much faster than FF3, but still a bit jerky when compared to opera.

Opera 9.64           : Lightning fast.
Safari 4 ß (5528.17) : About as fast FF 3.5ß.


Insert/Edit Link Button:

Firefox 3.0.10       : Works

Firefox 3.5b4        : Works.

Opera 9.64           : Works
Safari 4 ß (5528.17) : Works as expected, but the create-link dialog cannot be closed and stays all the time. Also can't be moved.



Firefox 3.0.10       : Works

Firefox 3.5b4        : Works.

Opera 9.64           : Works
Safari 4 ß (5528.17) : Doesn't display the 'Update' and 'Cancel' buttons. Also can't be closed.




Quote Button:

Firefox 3.0.10       : Works

Firefox 3.5b4        : Works.

Opera 9.64           : Works
Safari 4 ß (5528.17) : No reaction at all.




Comments (Page 1)
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on May 27, 2009

There is also a bug with firefox, is that if the title is too long, and if you edit and the edit box will not show up

Also, if the post is too long in firefox, firefox just gies up showing the post and instead will give you black space with the border

on May 27, 2009

Here's a thought....

If you try to run a petrol engine on won't.

There's nothing wrong with the engine....

...but also there's nothing wrong with the diesel....

on May 27, 2009

jafo the rezonator, using impulse with explorer 8 can not find the modding threads, could this be another bug( incompatability) in the forums?



on May 27, 2009

Safari issues are a very low priority as it's a very uncommon browser on Windows, and we don't make any Mac software.

What exact circumstances are you seeing slow scrolling under? I use FF 3.0.10 myself and haven't seen any issue with wheel scroling or autoscroll.

on May 27, 2009

Beg pardon for sort of threadjacking, but does anyone know whether forum sign-in requires some third-party site transactions?

I've been trying for ages to figure out why other folks seem to use Opera with no problem, but I can't get a signin to process. Could it be because of something like my blocking content from

on May 27, 2009

Could it be because of something like my blocking content from

That shouldn't have anything to do with logins.

on May 27, 2009

Safari issues are a very low priority as it's a very uncommon browser on Windows, and we don't make any Mac software.

What exact circumstances are you seeing slow scrolling under? I use FF 3.0.10 myself and haven't seen any issue with wheel scroling or autoscroll.

firefox always scrolls slow when many messages or threads are displayed. And it's happening on Mac AND Windows for me.

And your site is the ONLY site that slows down that horribly.

I have several addons installed, among them AdBlock, RePagination (or occasionally AutoPager), Foxmarks. Disabling them has no effect.

The slowdown occurs even after the page completely loaded.

When I scroll down with the Pgdwn key, there's a tiny but noticable lag when FF tries to paint the message entries under XP. Lag is even worse under Mac, but the Mac has a slower CPU anyway. 

I ran some tests and the only way to get fast speed under FF was to disable stylesheets. Of course it looks like shit that way.


And regarding Safari, maybe this gives you a clue: When trying to drag the link-dialog, indead of dragging the window it drags a piece of text which even creates a link.  

Text: "javascript:;".  href the same.


And to add another browser:  Google Chrome doesn't work with quote buttons

on May 27, 2009

Okay I will ask, but don't flame me for it, you don't show IE 8, is there a reason?  (I know we all use the browser that we feel works best for us)


on May 27, 2009

That's a good question Philly. I also use IE8, but suffer none of the problems listed for the other browsers.

on May 27, 2009

I don't agree with that list of bugs...


...there are a lot more bugs than that...

on May 27, 2009

I don't think I've ever noticed extreme slowdown with FF3.0.  Are there any specific pages that cause such slowdowns?  Links would be preferable.

Safari is not high priority, but the next time we do a redesign I'll be sure to do some testing on it.

Chrome is also not high priority, but I'll take a look as to why quotes won't work next time I work on the design-side or javascript.

Good to hear that FF3.5 runs faster with the forums


on May 27, 2009

Well I hacked mine to load pages faster and make firefox use less ram

on May 27, 2009

From what I understand, the reason the quote buttons don't work in chrome is because chrome doesn't provide information as to what you're doing or what you've highlighted.   So when you highlight text, script running on the web-page can't tell so it treats it as if you had no text highlighted. 


on May 27, 2009


Chrome doesn't need to tell what is highlighted. Just clicking the button should quote the whole message into the editor, which it doesn't. All info needed is in the ID of the <A> tag.


Every forum page with enough content requiring you to scroll is slow. I think I did provide links in the very first post.



I didn't list IE8 because it's quite hard to get that to run on a mac, which I use most of the time for surfing.

Besides, given that the Impulse client seems nothing more than a patched up IE i figure it will do just fine.



Given that the Internet Explorer fails miserably with the latest Acid Tests, it's a bad idea to make this thing the benchmark for website quality.

on May 27, 2009

Running FF3.0.10 at the moment from my classroom. Links in your OP load in about 2 seconds and scroll lightning fast. About the same as at home, though I'd expect my slower connection there is the cause for that.

I'd suspect a conflict with an extension.


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