inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^

Well, where is one ?

I'm kinda expecting an elaborate changelog like those blizzard delivers for their games.

on Apr 25, 2009

There isn't a changelog, unless you count the developer journals which, from the looks of it, you haven't bothered reading. There have been no changes to gameplay up til this point due to SD/GPG being focused entirely on solving the connectivity issues the game is having.

on Apr 25, 2009

thanks. nevertheless, i'd like a changelog for future patches. or a sticky thread regarding this.

on Apr 27, 2009

yes, please... I don't enjoy having to search around for a changelog that could easily be added to stardock's Impulse... or even a sticky in some of the more prominant forums

on Apr 27, 2009

This is the closest around at the moment for Demigod: v1.0.105 (EXE version) v1.0.055 on Impulse.



on Apr 27, 2009

When they start releasing actual patches, you'll be able to right click Demigod in Impulse and select View History to see the change log.