inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^

#1 - Since Michael Moore's movie "Sicko".

#2 - Since the Obama campaign.

#3 - Since I got sick and got ripped of by my insurer.

#4 - Since I was denied due to a preexisting condition.

#5 - WE ARE #1 !!! USA! USA! USA!

#6 - Something else gave me a hint.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 13, 2010

#1 is a joke, #2 is probably a bigger joke, but the competition is hot.


#3 is approaching serious subject material.  It's a product of excluding insurance companies from the anti-trust laws, removing our constitutional rights to buy and sell the products we want.  Both the insurance companies and the consumers have been given the shaft by state insurance boards that make assinine requirements, limiting the types of products that can be sold, and then banning you from shopping else where when you disagree with those requirements.


This is directly attributable to the failure of the SCOTUS to do it's job and rule the restrictions unconstitutional, Congress for writing such exemptions in violation of the Constitution to begin with, and state legislators for setting up the insurance boards to mandate them.


I'm going to guess you then think it's a good idea to then give these people, that royally fucked everything up to begin with, total control.  You're also supposed to read contracts before you sign them too, but little details like their own responsibilities can't possibly apply when a person gets sick...


#4 is common sense.  How can you get insurance for a pre-existing condition?  If you want to force coverage, and it's not insurance at that point, then you have to mandate the purchase of said coverage.  If you don't, most of the country will be waiting to get sick before we buy our "health insurance" to make someone else pay for our treatment.  You might like the idea of surrending your liberty for safety, I don't.


#5 is true.  No other country on the planet can boast such an amazingly long lifespan with such an absurdly unhealthy lifestyle.  You'd all be 20-30 years behind us if we ever stopped being a bunch of fat, sedintary substance abusers.


#6  Something did indeed give me the hint.  First, kill all the lawyers, starting with the lawyers that have become politicians.  Then, kill all the judges that used to be lawyers.


Pass tort reform, repeal all the nonsense regulations, gut social security and medicare for the younger generations, I'll gladly take the ax myself and pay into it without receiving, repeal the income tax and pass a constitutional amendment for the fair tax, unamended, and presto.  No more budgeting problems, no more balooning debt, and you can save for your own bleeding retirement without paying taxes on it, without having to make nonsense decisions.  The economy will take off, production will come back, etcetera etcetera.


If we really want to be a nanny state, after that pass a simple regulation.  All offered catastrophic coverage policies must be sold to any who meet the health criteria.  All catastrophic coverage policies must have both a buy in and cash out option based on age, with the same standardized value for each based on payment made.  All catastrophic coverage policies become locked in upon reaching the requirements for that coverage to kick in, can never be canceled by the insurer for any reason other than failure to pay, and cannot require payment for the duration of the illness if disability comes with it.


No more get sick, lose your job, then your insurance.  No more waiting till you're 55 and getting a free pass on all those years of paying into the system.  No more having to pay an arm and a leg when you're 55 because everyone else hasn't been participating.  No more paying an insurance company a hundred bucks to pay your doctor 60 for the routine checkup.  Wins all around, with zero beaurocratic nightmares.


They could fix the system with a paragraph, and instead write thousand plus page bills.  It's why my perfect world starts off with killing the lawyers.

on Mar 13, 2010

I think I first got that idea in my head sometime around when I figured out that the US and Canada weren't the same thing. In other words, forever ago.

on Mar 13, 2010

i could say its not my problem but your not the only country with health issues in the world.

on Mar 14, 2010

#6 the first time I saw one of these setups!  People shouldn't have to beg to be able to save their kids' lives.

US healthcare system

on Mar 14, 2010

This is so sad.

I can't imagine how hard it must be to tell your e.g. 12 year old girl that she will have to die because you don't have enough money...



on Mar 14, 2010

Yeah, and putting the federal government in charge will somehow make it better.  LOL.

on Mar 14, 2010

Island Dog
Yeah, and putting the federal government in charge will somehow make it better.  LOL.

If the US system sucks, who is doing it right?

Are you suggesting that the gubmint that gave us No Child Gets An Education, Medicare (bankrupt), Medicaid (bankrupt), Social Security ( 57 trillion unfunded liabilities way way past bankrupt), DHs, TSA, Homeleand Security, CRA of 1977 (caused that lil banking hiccup over the last few years), and on and on is incapabe of micromanaging my life?

on Mar 14, 2010

Ignore Island Dog. He's just an arse who revels in the suffering of those that are unworthy in his eyes.

on Mar 14, 2010

Ignore Island Dog. He's just an arse who revels in the suffering of those that are unworthy in his eyes.

I tried quoting you for the first line.

on Mar 15, 2010

Ignore Island Dog. He's just an arse who revels in the suffering of those that are unworthy in his eyes.

Oh goodness, what nonsense.  As usual, it's all sob stories with people who want government healthcare.  Nevermind the government is completely incompetent, and can't run hardly anything right, and the fact that the U.S. is beyond bankrupt is irrelevant to them.

The system here is not perfect by any means, but to say it sucks is pure BS.  Look beyond wanting your "free" healthcare.

on Mar 15, 2010

In canada we pay to get free healthcare.


It's in no way perfect but I did get operated 6 times in my life and no I am not ruined and no I did not have to wait years. Only a few months because my case was not urgent. So yes gouverment healthcare does work. But there are always prices to pay. To go through the emergency room sometimes you have to wait 24 hours... but you do get treated and it does not cost you anything. ONly your taxes pay for it.


I would not want to live in the US I would of be ruined and I would not be able to get inssurance anymore. That is sad...

on Mar 15, 2010

Since when did you realize that the US health care system sucks?
When I started paying $19,200 a year for a health insurance plan that was inferior to the plan that I had the previous year that *only* cost $14,400 a year.

In canada we pay to get free healthcare.
Doesn't that make it *not* free?

I think the term you're looking for is that in Canada you pay for Universal Healthcare.

If the US system sucks, who is doing it right?
Right is an absolute term and in reality no one does it perfectly, however every other industrialized country in the world and even many less developed countries have a better system than that of the US.

The system here is not perfect by any means, but to say it sucks is pure BS.
Look beyond your rabid right wingnut Ayn Rand sycophant politics of selfishness and greed for a change.

on Mar 15, 2010

6 - Other - When the democrats passed legislation imposing HMOs.  Before then, it was between you and your doctor.  Then they inserted a private organization between you and your doctor.  Then they said it was broken - by whom?  By the system they created?  So now they want to put a clown, who pays $600 for a hammer between  you and your doctor.  See the direction?

Going from bad to worse because of what Washington is doing, not in spite of it.  Perhaps the best thing to do would be to rescind their previous laws and see how things shake out.  That is the best reform I can think of.

insanity is doing the same thing that failed repeatedly expecting different results each time you attempt it.

on Mar 15, 2010

Look beyond your rabid right wingnut Ayn Rand sycophant politics of selfishness and greed for a change.

Still cant form a coherant thought without resorting to insults and name calling.  You really are pathetic.

on Mar 15, 2010

Dr Guy

Quoting Mumblefratz,
reply 12
Look beyond your rabid right wingnut Ayn Rand sycophant politics of selfishness and greed for a change.

Still cant form a coherant thought without resorting to insults and name calling.  You really are pathetic.

This is why I ignore everything written by this person. He stopped influencing the moment he resorted to these tactics.

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