inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^

While some conservatives claim that Obama wants to kill your granny I hesitate to accept that as Obamas sole reason for pushing the health care reform.

From the private insurers point of view it makes perfect sense to oppose the reform ... if they didn't, they'd face an immense decline in profits if either the government option provides better care or if regulations bar insurers from avoiding costs by their current methods.

But it's a bit too simplicistic to merely claim that one party acts out of altruism (or a loathing of old ladies) and the other out of greed.

So, what do you think are the driving motives in this dispute ?

(Note that I don't ask you what you think is the better solution.)


Pro (Motives of the health care reform advocates):

  • The Believe that health care is a right, not a privilege (file under altruism).
  • Desire for more government control.
  • An excuse to raise taxes (no one wants to pay more taxes without a good reason).
  • Desperation (they can't get private insurance and hope for the public option).

Con (Motives of the health care reform opponents):

  • Greed / seeking profits (Insurance companies will lose money if forced to provide care to sick)
  • Selfishness ("Why should I pay for your surgery?").
  • Government shouldn't do health care because they are incompetent ().
  • Poor people should die sooner than later.
  • It is not clear how the reform can be financed.
  • A deal with drug companies prohibiting the government to negotiate drug prices can't lower costs.


Two key issues that make the health care reform necessary in the eyes of the proponents are quailty and cost.

Quality has been discussed to death and information (and misinformation) is freely available.

Cost is harder to estimate - one simply can't understand what estimated costs of trillions of dollars over decades means for your paycheck. So I started a different thread where I want to compare the personal average cost of health care in different countries.

The personal Cost of Health Care - An international comparison

For example: German average gross income is about €2,500. After deductions (including health insurance) a single person without kids gets to keep about €1,500.

And what can germans do with that money in germany? Why, buy beer, of course. €1,500 get you 1,200 litre of high quality Pilsener beer - twice as much if you don't care about quality and go for the cheap labels.

Health care costs: €185 per month (currently $264)



Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 18, 2009

With how much of our earnings, and to how many generations?
The "how much" part has to be evaluated by the Government, obviously. What do you mean by "how many generations"?

Government being broke IS!!!!!! the issue!
No, only the flow of money is an issue.

on Aug 18, 2009


How is the Government inefficient? And your Government being "broke" at the moment is not the issue here, after all the tax payers will pay for it.
"Government being "broke" at the moment is not the issue here, after all the tax payers will pay for it"

With how much of our earnings, and to how many generations?

Government being broke IS!!!!!! the issue!

Get a CLUE!!!!

If you're referring to us being in debt...

We've been in debt practically consistently since the founding of the US. In fact, Alexander Hamilton argued that the US should stay in debt. Why? Because then we would pay only interest on money we owed other people, and thus they would want to keep the US in power so they would keep collecting interest on their money.


Slightly off-topic...I countinually find it distressing that the same people who pushed for a war in Iraq, costing trillions to save the Iraqis is unwilling to have the government pay to have people in America recieve free care.

on Aug 18, 2009


So, what do you think are the driving motives in this dispute ?Very simple.
The right and the obstructionists are motivated by money/greed/selfishness.

The left is motivated by the sense that healthcare is a right and should not be distributed based on a persons class or that people should be placed in classes to begin with.

The US is the Great Whore. We have the best whore doctors in the world, the best whore research scientists, the best whore corporations, the best whore CEO's. No one gives a fuck about anyone but themselves. If people die because they don't have enough money then it's just too fucking bad.

Very simple.


Eveyone dies.  The less able to pay should die sooner rather than later.  Insurance is supposed to be for emergencies.  Not maintenance.  

I use my insurance for maintenance because I can... if I was self employed it would be cheaper to pay cash for all the insulin and testing supplies I need to live ... I have done that 2001-2004 when I was mostly unemployed (thanks GWJr)

And it wasn't nearly as bad as people make out. 

Had I had a heart attack during that time frame I would have died.  Unless my family saw fit to pay the bills.  Lucky for me that didn't happen.  And during that period of my life I would have gladly embraced death as a way out of the morass that it had become.

Capitalism is based on EARNING and buying whatever you can afford. 

This whole debate centers around giving away medical care to people that have no desire to succeed, provide or secure their life from hardship on their own. 

They are like starving Ethopians with their hands out having rice ladeled into their grubby little hands twice a day with a glass of water on the side.

They never HAVE to get up and grow food to feed themselves someone else does it for them. 

Canada has a great example of how this system doesn't work terribly well.  The Socialized part of the medicine has 2+year waiting lists for many procedures.  While if you can AFFORD IT, the private guy down the street can do it next week.

If you want to run a charity ward for the uninsured DO IT WITH YOUR OWN MONEY AND KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY TAXES.

The Federal government has gotten into far too many areas it shouldn't be into anything but:

Three real mandates

1) Protection from foreign powers

2) Upholding constitutional law

3) Administration of those duties through the military, judiciary etc...


on Aug 18, 2009


Quoting Moosetek13, reply 60
How is the Government inefficient? And your Government being "broke" at the moment is not the issue here, after all the tax payers will pay for it.
"Government being "broke" at the moment is not the issue here, after all the tax payers will pay for it"

With how much of our earnings, and to how many generations?

Government being broke IS!!!!!! the issue!

Get a CLUE!!!!
If you're referring to us being in debt...

We've been in debt practically consistently since the founding of the US. In fact, Alexander Hamilton argued that the US should stay in debt. Why? Because then we would pay only interest on money we owed other people, and thus they would want to keep the US in power so they would keep collecting interest on their money.


Slightly off-topic...I countinually find it distressing that the same people who pushed for a war in Iraq, costing trillions to save the Iraqis is unwilling to have the government pay to have people in America recieve free care.


There is no such thing as FREE care.  Its costs money to someone.  Whether thats the taxpayer or insurance or the individual is a matter of some debate.

You don't have a right to FREE MEDICAL CARE... you have the right to pursue happiness and if being healthy is part of that mandate then YOU better get yourself some.


on Aug 18, 2009

Slightly off-topic...I countinually find it distressing that the same people who pushed for a war in Iraq, costing trillions to save the Iraqis is unwilling to have the government pay to have people in America recieve free care.


You don't have a right to FREE MEDICAL CARE... you have the right to pursue happiness and if being healthy is part of that mandate then YOU better get yourself some.
Some americans are just twisted. They want to have "the right to bear arms", but having the right to free medical care seems to be beyond their comprehension.

on Aug 18, 2009

Eveyone dies. The less able to pay should die sooner rather than later. Insurance is supposed to be for emergencies. Not maintenance.

Is this sociopathic opinion right-wing or republican mainstream? Because it surely isn't christian.

They are like starving Ethopians with their hands out having rice ladeled into their grubby little hands twice a day with a glass of water on the side.

They never HAVE to get up and grow food to feed themselves someone else does it for them.

This isn't only racist, it also shows off your stellar stupidity and ideological ruthlessness.

Ethopia (and twenty other african countries) had a drought period in 1984 that lasted two years which resulted in a hunger crisis that cost more than a million lives.

I completely fail to see how you can gloat about something like that.

Damn ... let myself get off topic by this abomination.

Let's chalk this motive up as "Because poor people deserve to die."


on Aug 18, 2009

Lugh - I strongly disagree with you.

"Capitalism is based on EARNING and buying whatever you can afford."

Trust me, you dont want pure capitalism. You dont want pure communism, too. A hybrid system provides best of both worlds, and is called social capitalism.

 "Three real mandates

1) Protection from foreign powers

2) Upholding constitutional law

3) Administration of those duties through the military, judiciary etc..."


That would be pure capitalism. Add one other real mandate:

4) basic services payed from your taxes, like firemen, policemen, education AND healthcare


Why are you so afraid? If it works very well in other countries which are even less wealthy than USA, whats the problem? Its not mandatory, its an alternative. If you dont want it, dont use it and pay for private service. But you still have to pay the tax, you will complain of course.

Its the same kind of thinking like "I dont study and dont have children, so why should my taxes go to education?" And that kind of thinking is just wrong...





on Aug 18, 2009

If only the right wing politicians were as honest as lugh, we could have had health care a long time ago by now.

on Aug 18, 2009

Island Dog
Government is inefficient.  Government is broke.  Why someone would want them running healthcare is beyond me. 



BEcause the money os not spent the right way. That's why the gouvermemnt is broke. Here in Canada the gouverment is always broke but we still have healthcare. Better to have health care and have everybody able to work.


HEalthcare should be the pillar on which a sociaty is grown. The  healthier the better your people will be. There as to bea  way to make it work.


As a canadian I do feel for you guys....

on Aug 18, 2009

The US is the Great Whore. We have the best whore doctors in the world, the best whore research scientists, the best whore corporations, the best whore CEO's. No one gives a fuck about anyone but themselves. If people die because they don't have enough money then it's just too fucking bad.

Brilliant.  Fucking brilliant.  'Analysis' a mile wide and a quarter inch deep.

I may be wrong, but don't you live in Massachussetts?

on Aug 18, 2009

Oh, that's where you're trying to hide from my wrath, Daiwa.

True, it's brilliant... like a diamond ring that gets buried anyway along with the final banking balance.

Work hard, show off, slam the brakes, paint the walls, drink up.

Whatta life -- Stolen.

on Aug 18, 2009

Capitalism is based on EARNING and buying whatever you can afford.

And it has long evolved into stealing when you suddenly, somehow (either from having been stolen from or any other good and bad reasons) can't afford the essentials.

on Aug 18, 2009

I'd say that as long as a person works hard, a decent standard of living must be assured and that really includes comprehensive health care. I don't care how much they earn and could pay, they deserve it, period. society is not there for the strong, the intelligent. those can fend for themselves. just view it as in investment in security and internal stabilisation. content citizens are peaceful citizens.

as for the 4th basic reason that ShotmanMaslo mentioned: it's really secondary whether these functions are directly provided by the government or by private enterprises as long as the job gets done to specifications. that means low enough cost for a high coverage and good services to go with it.

also, I don't quite how a few times ppl wrote how they trust local governemnt, but not federal. I mean I live in a very federal government and I just don't make much of a difference. if anything I care less about the local level, bc most of the issues they decide on is not very important anyway. don't give me that crap about 'they are so far away and don't understand the issues'. these are professionals, of course they will study what they are doing and consulting experts. closer to home means nothing to me really.

on Aug 18, 2009

There is no such thing as FREE care.  Its costs money to someone.  Whether thats the taxpayer or insurance or the individual is a matter of some debate.

You don't have a right to FREE MEDICAL CARE... you have the right to pursue happiness and if being healthy is part of that mandate then YOU better get yourself some.


Right now, we do provide "health care" for all poor. How? Emergency rooms. Who pays for that? Cities and their taxpayers. To be honest, I'm perfectly fine chipping in to help someone save their life, but the truth is, there's a more effecient way to keep the poor not dead.

What universal health care has proven is that preventitive care is a MUCH cheaper way to keep the poor alive. That's why other countries are able to have a healthier populace while spending less money.

on Aug 18, 2009

What universal health care has proven is that preventitive care is a MUCH cheaper way to keep the poor alive. That's why other countries are able to have a healthier populace while spending less money.

There are so many things wrong with the inherent (and erroneous) assumptions in both these statements.  My fingers being sore from trying to explain elsewhere, I'll just suggest you pursue some further reading.

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