inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^
Published on August 17, 2009 By aroddoold In Everything Else

Shot at a "grassroots" rally against public health care in New Hampshire, USA.

I suppose the guerilla protester had to run fast soon after the picture was taken.

Check out the yellow sign in the back (thanks Neilo).

A classic.

He shalleth burn in hell along with his pron.

That's mighty generous.

No, I can't read that either. But seeing the protagonist from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya on a palestinian protest sign is just adorable. Note: Haruhi Suzumiya has the unconscious power to completely alter reality. I really want to know what the sign reads.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 17, 2009

I suppose the guerilla protester had to run fast soon after the picture was taken.

I didn't see any union thugs beating him up though. 

on Aug 17, 2009

I though new hampshire is a blue state

in other news...funny how the guy is sorta at the back of the crowd where no one can see him

on Aug 17, 2009

I suppose the guerilla protester had to run fast soon after the picture was taken.

why yes, i am sure the man in his prime had to run fast from the two fat old women, the 12 year old girl, or the really old, feeble and gray man as they ganged up and beat him up because they are evil conservatives. [/sarcasm]

on Aug 17, 2009

why yes, i am sure the man in his prime had to run fast from the two fat old women, the 12 year old girl, or the really old and gray man as they ganged up and beat him up because they are evil conservatives.

They are probably loaded.

on Aug 17, 2009

beat him up because they are evil conservatives

I am not impressed.

Claiming that one's political opponents are stupid and ignorant is not exactly brilliant and provocative acts like that are really only brave when the opponent is morally inferior.


on Aug 17, 2009

Yay New Hampshire!


I though new hampshire is a blue state


We have been for a little while. In most electoins we're red. It's sad



Here's the 2000 election map

on Aug 17, 2009

LOL that guy is funny.. and BRAVE! haha

on Aug 17, 2009

The expression on his face is awesome.


on Aug 18, 2009

Yay New Hampshire!


I though new hampshire is a blue state

We have been for a little while. In most electoins we're red. It's sad



Here's the 2000 election map

lol I also though that hamsphire was one of those swing states also

on Aug 18, 2009

Isn't that lady with the yellow sign guilty of Protesting While Distracted?


PS - Photoshop is cool.  (I think it's real)

on Aug 18, 2009

We have been for a little while. In most electoins we're red. It's sad

If only slavery were still around so we could benefit from the non-sadness of a blue New Hampshire.


on Aug 18, 2009

Best protest sign ever

wat a champion.

on Aug 18, 2009

Isn't anyone concerned about the guy with the sign that reads, "Abolish Federal Government"?

Also, he's wearing a Confederate battle-flag shirt...and he's in a Northern state...and he's not getting beaten up...

How did THAT happen?

on Aug 18, 2009

It's obvious that most of the people there are so clueless they probably don't know what his shirt is, or why they should be annoyed.

on Aug 18, 2009

or... you know, they are just not violent?

Anyways, I find the sign dumb and the guy to be an asshole.

Although some of the people opposing obama care are freaks and lunatics (like that confederate guy). But what is wrong with the woman with the sign who says "no to healthcare reform" or the girl with the sign asking them to read the bill?

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