inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^

This comparison grows more popular the longer it's repeated.

To quote a fictional german Nazi: "You really think we'd make a nigger our Führer!?"

The Obama/Hitler comparison is major bollocks.

And regarding town hall "protesters" comparing the health care reform to "something that could have origined in early 30's germany":

We evil germans got nationalized health care since 1883 courtesy of Fürst Otto von Bismarck.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 23, 2009

The comparison is valid, it is also valid for communists, both are socialists, NAZI is the acronym for the National Socialist Democrat Party. The nationalized healthcare came along before the NAZI party but was used to do evil. No one is saying that is what the President is trying to do but the similarities are there and if you look at what the USSR did with socialized medicine people died because of substandard care. America is not socialist or communist, why do we want a socialized system that has been proven not to work each and every time it was tried. The Christians tried it and ended it in less than 30 years because it did not work. The Soviet Union tried it, communist China tried it, and the UK, Canada, Australia, India, and Japan have all tried it. Japan is the only one not going bankrupt over it but they charge 50% income tax and 100% sales tax on property to cover it and they only have 127 million people to treat. On top of that the USA has to provide their military and have been doing so for 60 years so they only had to spend money on healthcare and a small self defense force and their bureaucracy. In America we have much more to pay for and a population of 300 million.


Nowhere has a socialized government worked well, and nowhere has socialized medicine survived 20 years without running into money troubles.


Comparing our proposed national health care plan to NAZI’s is not a slam it is a warning of things to come. I was talking to a soldier who had diabetes, the Army doctors could not find out what was wrong with him so they sent him to a German civilian doctor that ran tests the Army does not do. In hours they knew what was wrong with him. For that he firmly believes that UHC is the way to go because that is what saved his life. What he fails to realize is that the same government that could not find his illness would be the ones running his UHC. Currently Germany is flush with cash for medical care. As time goes by they will run out of money and have to cut costs even with their small population, high income and our subsidies.  

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