inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^

Jon Stewart the most trusted person in american news. Which is interesting because he isn't a news anchor and his show, The Daily Show, is hosted on Comedy Central.

Anyway, some of my favorite moments.


On October 15, 2004 Jon Stewart was a guest at political talk show Crossfire, an opportunity he used to tell the hosts that he mentioned among friends, in private and occasionally on TV, that he considers their show bad. Hilarity ensues. The show was canceled shortly afterwards.


  • "I didn't realize [...] that the news organizations look to Comedy Central for their cues on integrity
  • "You're on CNN! The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls! What is wrong with you?"


On October 2nd 2007, Chris Matthews, host of NBCs Hardball, just came to the Daily Show to promote his new Book "Life's a campaign". To Matthews surprise Jon Stewart read and analyzed the book ... and enthusiastically disagreed with him.


  • Stewart: "I'm not trashing your book. I'm trashing your philosophy of life."
  • Chris Matthews: "This is the worst interview I've ever had in my life!!!"


Jim Cramer is the host of Mad Money, a finance television program on CNBC. Its main focus is investment and speculation, particularly in publicly traded stocks, presented in an entertaining, infantile way. Right before and during the financial crisis, Cramer and CNBC in general vehemently recommended the very stocks that lost all their worth during that time. Jon Stewart reported on this, got subsequently feuded on, then got to interview Cramer in his show.


  • After rolling a video of Cramer explaining how he illegaly manipulated the stock market for short term profits:  "I understand you wanna make finance entertaining ... but it's not a fucking game. I can't really tell you how angry that makes me. [...] What this tells me is: You all knew."
  • "Maybe we could [...] start getting back to the fundamentals of reporting - and I can go back to making fart noises and funny faces"

on Aug 22, 2009

The Daily Show on the 17th is one of the best in quite some time. Stewart interviews Betsy McCaughey, who firmly believes that Obama's health reform is "dangerous." Stewart simply destroys her.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 1
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Healthcare Protests

Another great clip is one featuring Barney Frank who confronts a Nazi name-calling protester at a health care reform town hall meeting.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Barney Frank's Town Hall Snaps
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Healthcare Protests
on Aug 23, 2009

LOL, Most trusted?  Entertaining maybe, trusted to not have a bias or agenda.... no.


on Aug 23, 2009

I'd go with him over the big three, especially if he delves into the bills to look for problems instead of just bashing all the morons that come up with their own.  Even if he doesn't, he's still a lot better than the talking asscracks in the print and video media that are just farting around with video editing to make the protests look like a bunch of quacks.

on Aug 23, 2009

I like how he even treats guests on the polar opposite of his political view and ethic standards with courtesy and gives them a chance to explain their position. He usually trashes them anyway but at least he doesn't do it by screaming them into the ground.


Girlish screams start at 3:30


Saw that McCaughey interview, too. It was painful to watch. It didn't matter what Stewart said - that woman wouldn't accept any point he made. And how she tried to butter up to him while doing so ... I sometimes felt like glennbeckish screaming.

on Aug 24, 2009

Girlish screaming, no.  Running someone off the phone for lying about you, not a problem in my book.


Disagreeing with someone and telling them they're a hypocrit for supporting things they've been driving their listeners crazy with complaints over are two entirely different things.  The bitch needed someone to come and kick her teeth in for the shit she was saying.  Either she never listened to the guy before in her life, in which case she had no business calling him anything, or she knew she was lying.  The GOP has been giving the guy shit for years because of all the whining he's done about them.  It's how a crazy libertarian ended up with a show on CNN, by dishing on the republican administration.


He may have lost it, but courtesy is not something you give to a liar.

on Aug 24, 2009

I think the important thing to remember is that while the Daily Show is definitely funny, you can't trust it for unbiased information any more than MSNBC or Fox News.

But hell, I watch him for laughs, and he usually gives me what I watch for.

on Aug 24, 2009

Well, Stewart is clearly not a conservative and he can give his stories any inflection he wants - so, no, he's definetly not unbiased.

And you can see in the McCaughey interview how he deals with "bitches that need someone to kick their teeth in for the shit they are saying". Beck could easily have told the caller that he didn't support the bailouts at all and that he said so in previous shows but instead he rages on like a wrathful animal.

Anyway, sorry for biting the bait. Let's keep this funny and praise the awesomeness of the Daily Show.

on Aug 25, 2009

The interview with McCaughey was indeed extremley painful to watch. There isn't much Stewart, or anyone for that matter, could say to her to understand the opposing oppinion.

on Aug 27, 2009
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Glenn Beck's Operation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Healthcare Protests

Starring Glen Beck, who talks about the horrors of the american health care system which is the best in the world.

Just imagine how bad the others must be ...