Was just checking the Huffington Post for news and just saw this on the frontpage:
I didn't manipulate this screeny - pure accident. And I don't think the articles were put like this deliberatly either.
Yet another lie, in poor taste as well:
As a Physician, I can inform all the wing nuts out there that for the past 30+ years I've had talks with patients and their familes when it was clear that things were headed "the way of all flesh", and also with HEALTHY patients regarding Living Wills, Health Care Proxies, etc.
Normal people (i.e. non wing nut H. sapiens) have feelings about certain types of "dire straights" they might find themselves in and welcome the chance to discuss "non fluff" subjects with loved ones.
It was due to one of these conversations I had with my late wife (long before there were problems) around the children, inviting them to participate as thinking, feeling individuals (and an appropriate mental/emotional age) that allowed me to separate her from "life" support without feelings of guilt.
Really. It's time for the birther/wing nuts to get a grip or get therapy. Whichever, American Health Insurance needs revamping.
And Huckabee needs to learn about what he's shooting his face off about.
Why is it that anyone who has a different idea or opinion automatically designated as a 'wing nut'? What makes the Democrat view the only acceptable 'sane' view? As a Physician you should know that not everyone thinks and acts alike and because of that it doesn't make one or the other a 'wing-nut'.
There are Democrats that I know who it would be a stretch to call 'normal' but that doesn't make all Democrats 'wing nuts'.
Just in case you didn't get the fun thing about this: Check headlines of BOTH articles: The first and the last one.
I suppose the hundreds of thousands of people showing up at town halls are alllll wing nuts...
of course they are.
Yeah...that sums it up pretty good.
i guess that's well said.
Wing Nuts and Moon Bats. It's all good.
BTW...it's 'dire straits'....kinda like the band....
Note, Huckabee is not a conservative. He's pro-life and a proponent of the fair tax, end of conservative credentials. He is not fiscally responsible, and does not demonstrate anything resembling social conservatism either. All talk, no walk. Discretional spending went through the roof while he was governor. Typical tax and spend compassionate conservative nonsense, it's called progressivism. He's as liberal as the republicans in the Senate are.
Exactly like.
Kind of
which is why he need not run again and wouldn't matter if he did.
Honestly I wonder who has it in them to bring this country back to center the next time around.
Not everyone. Just a has been fear monger and in such poor taste,
Wing nut (left or right) is a guy/gal who's out there where the busses ain't runnin'. You know...a few tacos short of an enchilada.
Saying "Kennedy would have been urged to die under 'ObamaCare' " is demogoguery of the lowest order. It is also a complete LIE:
1) The President has NOT put forward a health INSURANCE reform bill.
2) The Republican fear mongering LIE about "Death Panels" (already proven pure BS) is nothing less than "Big Lie" tactic used by their Health Insurance Co. bought legislators to whip up a panic storm.
3) Only the bought, paid for and corrupt are trying to torpedo this needed legislation.
Answer this:
If Gov't. run health care is so bad, why did McConnell, McCain and the rest of them use Bethesda for their surgery for Cancer and Coronary Bypasses? Wouldn't they have gotten good care in the private sector? Why did they choose Gov't run Bethesda?
And if their insurance is so bad, how come they ain't using BCBS or UHC or any other private insurance?
I doubt he would have been urged to die earlier; he was a Politican.
I'm fairly sure A: We pay for their care and B: Bethesda is the designated hospital of choice for their insurance group. Hell, Obama would go there as well.
Why do you think there was such complaint when it came out that Congress would be exempt from the currently debated plan, keeping the insanely good plan they already have without any of the reform they want us to swallow?
I demand the same plan that they have. Period. The President said that would be offered as well.
No one's getting off the hook.
I'm not any of those things, and I strongly oppose this "legislation".
So which am I then?
This is the problem with people on the left, they don't understand what this is all about. Conservatives don't oppose health care reform, we oppose government takeover. Why? Because the government can't run anything. They screwed up a simple rebate program for cars, and you want them running healthcare?
The fact is the majority of American's have good health care, and they know enough not to get the government more involved then they already are.
Obama and the rest of them are exempt. Do you really think they will be forced to be on a government plan? LOL