inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^
Published on August 28, 2009 By aroddoold In Politics

Just saw this:


Awesome! No more proof needed that he is Grand Cyclops of the Tinfoil Brigade.

Epic Seduction Fail. Try to read her thoughts of him on her face.

Glenn Beck screaming like a girl getting dumped by the Jonas Brothers. Starts at 3:38 for the preliminary screams but the epic yell comes at 3:52. It's really worth watching from the beginning.

Beck finally meets his master ... or rather mistress. Hard to believe but it's possible to outcrazy even him. Michele Bachmann's insane ramblings are too much even for Beck.

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on Sep 06, 2009


uh huh ... like patriot act vs. legalizing buttsex marriage?

let's see, one promotes individual freedom, the other limits them ... hmm.


I knew that the first rebuttal would be some helpless shit to avoid defending a lost talking point.


Aroddo... this is way out of line. No one should post {as vStyler so rightly put it} repulsive stuff like this. You need to back off language and hateful language like this.

v...thanks for seeing this first and saying something. I'm surprised the Mods haven't lit into this.

on Sep 06, 2009

In fairness to Aroddo, he was quoting psychoak.

on Sep 06, 2009

I assume that Goldberg is a reasonably intelligent man and also an idealist. Thus he must have noticed that one of the most important american values - individual freedom - is a liberal concept.

Then why are they laboring so hard to proscribe how we live our lives?  What we should think?  What we should say?  What we can't say?  Being illiberal in the name of liberalism makes no sense, unless liberalism (defined as individual freedom, anyway) is not the goal.

on Sep 06, 2009

he was quoting psychoak

No difference imo.

on Sep 13, 2009

Six-months-a-year care beats NO months a year care.

Excellent...then you're going to love the government plan just fine.

on Sep 13, 2009

I looked it up, generals get paid more than the newest congressman. 184,000 to 174,000. Not to mention other benefits generals get such as free housing and not having to run for your job every two years.

Bravo! And the general (0-10) only has to give 30+ years (He/she could retire @ 20 years but would be lucky to have made Colonel in that amount of time) while the congressman gets his 174K for being a noob. Sure the general gets housing, so does the congressmen while in DC. Oh and that congressman... he doesn't have to serve for 20 years to a pension, just win one re-election and he's covered for life. Also if an officer is past over for promotion 3 times (at any point of his career) he goes home. I know it's not a pesky re-election, but hey. Your noob congressmen gets the same vacation as a career congressmen, about 3 or 4 months off for the year. That general gets the same vacation as a private - 30 days a year. Also check your congressman's perks, his/hers medical is the same as it is when active and after they retire. The General has to go to the VA. Lets recap:

                             Congressman                                        General (0-10)

pay                $174k starting day 1 - increase each year    $184K after doing 30+ years adjusted annually by congress

retirement     Full retirement after 2 terms (8 yrs.)             retirement at 20yrs. but nowhere close to reaching 0 -10

paid vacation  months                                                        30 days

Housing         Paid for while in DC                                       full housing on base, allowance if off base

perks            all the military gets, plus                                military, Medicaid upon 65 years old (usually the age @ retirement)

Allowances   ????? Best kept secret in DC                          Based on location, special skills or status

You decide which is more valuable

on Sep 13, 2009

No, what I want from you is some reason that Czars are bad. Please explain to me why.

Because czars are not vetted by congress. Heck, you could end up with a racist, communist as part of the presidents policy making advisors...wait... isn't that want happened? What's next? Appoint a tax cheat as secretary of the treasury? Oh wait that happened too! But at least the tax cheats in Congress got the final say on that one.

As to point number 2, you might want to do a little research, Obama rode his candidacy on the back of ending the war in IRAQ. He has always always always spoke for a returned focus to the war on Afghanistan. I followed the election very closely and at every opportunity he said there needs to be a withdrawl from Iraq and a focus on Afghanistan.

It's true Obama ended the already won Iraq hero. His "focus" on Afghanistan is winning him scores of followers in his own party...not. But it must be nice that media such as NBC doesn't show the anti- war protesters like they did so often for Bush. Good to have GE in your back pocket Mr. President.

on Sep 13, 2009

Sorry for all the catch up posts...back from Bahrain.

on Sep 27, 2009

I'm sorry...I have a hard time getting facts from pundits that display occasional somewhat bizarre behavior. It makes me distrust their ability to determine what is a fact and what is a delusion.

Beck's chosen style is to be humorous and over-the-top, just as Limbaugh's is to be pompous and self-righteous. This is done simply to irritate the left. Clearly, it works like a charm, because no matter how they try to marginalize them, or how often they say these men should just be ignored, they, themselves seem incapapable of doing either.

Many, especially younger, people get their "news" from "pundits" such as Jay Leno, David Letterman, Janenne Garofalo, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Is Beck really any better or worse?

on Oct 07, 2009

Is Beck really any better


Yea... I think so

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