Just saw this:
Awesome! No more proof needed that he is Grand Cyclops of the Tinfoil Brigade.
Epic Seduction Fail. Try to read her thoughts of him on her face.
Glenn Beck screaming like a girl getting dumped by the Jonas Brothers. Starts at 3:38 for the preliminary screams but the epic yell comes at 3:52. It's really worth watching from the beginning.
Beck finally meets his master ... or rather mistress. Hard to believe but it's possible to outcrazy even him. Michele Bachmann's insane ramblings are too much even for Beck.
Oligarchy, Mr. Beck.
Not to usurp, but Jafo's probably getting supper a shower and some sack time.
Mr. Beck is a wing nut of the "Way out there" variety, and not worth missing any of those over.
Made me think of the Farting Preacher - just without the 'air'.....
Anyone not listening to at least the FACTS that Beck brings to the forefront is a fool... imo.
I could care less about his occasional somewhat bizarre behaviour.
then that would mean not trusting any politician
exactly.. everyone is quirky in their own way.. no reason to dismiss what he is bringing up.
Anyone mistaking what he spouts as "fact" probably thinks "Alice in Wonderland" the new Encyclopedia Brittanica.
His behavior is as exaggerated as his self esteem. He is bizarre.
Absolutely. The more closely they are observed and tracked, the safer we are.
I find it amzaing that along with presenting his 'facts' he has to throw in that there is a movement that he has started, 912. The very thing that this country doesn't need is another group of folks that are going to watch people aka politicians.
Every person that is a citizen of the U.S. all ready is a member in a bigger movement or group of people, it's called...............wait for now...........Americans. Lets see how many millions of members are out there. It's hard to imagine and believe that several thousand other people called Politicians throught out this country can not understand who is thier employer. Yes it is an employer worker relationship that we are talking about.
If you ran a business, corporation or the like if the workers were not doing you bidding as you wanted you would replace them, wouldn't you? Here's something else to consider, if we are the employers in this discussion, aren't we, the millions of Americans really responsible for what the thounds of workers where allowed to do? chew on that gum for awhile.
Yes it is a strange way of looking at things, but come on folks, we can fix the problems, we outnumber the Politicians! Go ahead and do the math. Just don't take too long.
Isn't that supposed to be the purpose of the press? Aren't the politicians supposed to be accountable to the American people?
That's true, but it is the job of "We the People" to watch them. Closely.
That's an oxymoron.
I have to work on this a bit, the Policiticans who are accountable to the Amercian People are going to looked at by the Press. Who are the press accountable to?
If the Press is also accountable to the American People because they are our watch dogs over the Politicians, then there are some more folks that need to be looking for a job.
Actually? That's a completemoron.
Correct. High time we demand and force much greater transparancy from government. Their arrogance needs punitive correction.