Just saw this:
Awesome! No more proof needed that he is Grand Cyclops of the Tinfoil Brigade.
Epic Seduction Fail. Try to read her thoughts of him on her face.
Glenn Beck screaming like a girl getting dumped by the Jonas Brothers. Starts at 3:38 for the preliminary screams but the epic yell comes at 3:52. It's really worth watching from the beginning.
Beck finally meets his master ... or rather mistress. Hard to believe but it's possible to outcrazy even him. Michele Bachmann's insane ramblings are too much even for Beck.
Credible or not, there are a whole lot of folks hearing what he has to say, tuning in, fueling the fire. I for one admire him for standing up for what he believes, I try to live the same way... and i do believe he believes in his cause.
Just know this, this snowball has been rolling for a while now, it will continue to build, typically when someone is attacked it's because someone else is worried about them... gaining..credibility.
Calling the guy names, bumping threads like this is doing nothing more than raising awareness for him.
...and me.
As far as running for office, some people are born politicians.. some are not.. Al Franken for one
and no Po, no hard feelings, I think ur a pretty stand up guy and dress really interestingly.
beck is popular, there's no doubt. credible? not a chance. this is the same man who admitted he advertises things as "facts" but knows they aren't. he calls himself an entertainer and admits to not checking on or researching his "facts'. recent example: his claiming the cars.gov website allowed the obama administration to have access to an individual's private checking account. he knew what he was saying on air was not truthful but said it anyway. it was amazing how the camera left the computer screen and went to beck's face when he tried to login to the dealers' side of the site without having proper credentials while saying something along the lines of "this is a 15 million dollar website and it takes too long to login". nice way of taking a swipe at the cost of creating and maintaining the site while not showing the fact he can't login for good reason, isn't it. btw, if that figure is correct, it is too much. beck has been proven wrong on virtually everything he's claimed to be true.
why is he so popular? my personal explaination is even though conservatives are probably a minority of the populace, a vast majority of them watch FIX News. the rest of the populace who aren't right-wingers watch the rest of the networks and/or cable news networks. let's say conservatives make up 48% of the people and everyone else comprises the remaining 52%. that's 48% of the people are watching FIX and the rest are split up amongst, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, HLN and the rest.
isn't it funny how in 2008, he was complaining about the healthcare system in america and claimed it needed to be overhauled and in 2009 he's fine with it? make sme wonder.
Thats a pretty good explanation Pas... I don't buy it.. but its not bad.
I seriously wish I had more time to devote to discussion, I do feel extremely drawn to it.
Time is far more an enemy of mine than anything I might discuss here.
1. Fair and balanced? Says who? FOX NEWS!
2. The network that gave Geraldo Rivera a show.
3. I remember when O'Reilly tried to convince everyone that calling someone a "pinhead" is not an insult.
Do you want a list of people that a 'whole lot of foks' tuned into? Maybe a list of the kind of fires they fueled?
He's not responsible. He'll say whatever he thinks will get your attention at any moment in time. He's a shock-jock. If he hadn't discovered he had the ability to lull so many into his fantastical world of bullshit, he'd be selling Enzyte on the Sunday morning AM radio shows. His only real talent is salesmanship and having a voice a thousand other radio and TV wannabe's wish they had.
Yes. History is riddled with figures who were undone by those fearing their rising credibility.
Jim Jones
Sun Myung Moon
David Keresh
Dick Cheney
George Bush
The snowball is FOX news and it's desperate attempt to gather together all these sensationalistic hucksters who see us for what we are. Voyeurs. RUbberneckers on the highway passing a five car pile up. We don't want to hear how good things are. We want the dirt and bile. We want to see people ruined, brought to their knees. Destroyed. That's where the entertainment is. That's where the money is. Do you think FOX gives a crap about the sponsors that have bailed? No. Because there are a hundred more lining up willing to pay even more as long as FOX can keep the steady stream of mind numbing nonsense going. People are not tuning into him for 'news' because he doesn't report the news. He's not an investigative reporter. Perhaps if he was he wouldn't put forth what he claims to be the truth before investigating ALL the facts. INstead he just throws whatever he can get his hands at the wall to see if it sticks. If it doesn't, he moves on to the next cow pie and hurls that.
He got elected. He had the balls to run for office. He chose to seek a position where he really could make change. If he goes down in flames he'll have the satisfaction of knowing he tried to make his world, your world, our world a better place. There is honor in that. He could have easily continued to hide behind a microphone or camera and collected a bigger paycheck. Instead of going on and on about f-d up everyone else was and how wrong everyone was, he put his money where his mouth is and said enough's enough. He chose to get his hands dirty and make a difference from a place where he could.
Glen Beck is content to be an arm chair quarter-back and point the blame.
Glen Beck makes me hate white people. Comming from a rather white individual, this insult only burns hotter.
I don't get it, y'all must not even watch Fox, listen to Beck, O'really etc I find most of the serious reporters on there, Megyn Kelly, Bill Hemmer, Carl Cameron, Major Garret, Cavuto etc extremely credible, professional factfinders, hard ass interviewers, Ive seen them all give to BOTH sides.. frequently. Many times I've fact checked with AP, other smaller news agencies, I've never seen any major discrepencies from any of them. I watch it because amongst all the news channels I do find they they tend to give equal time to both sides, almost every segment has a guest from the left and the right.
In short.. we must be watching two different channels.
Anyway, who knows, maybe Beck will run for office, he's a young guy.. just because he hasn't doesn't mean a thing Po. I suppose he is undertaking what he feels is his correct life path. You think he isn't making a difference, changing the world to make it a better place in his view because he's not running for office?
I'll bet the bank he is making far more of a difference then anything Franken is doing and correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Franken already try the entertainment \ blame game \ talk show host route and was more of a bomb thrower and and spewer of venom than Beck will ever be... he went on to fail massively.. as did the left wing radio outfit that hired him.
Fuck it.
Besides lining his pockets and the FOX networks piggy bank, what difference has he made? He's the new Howard Stern. As many people tune in because they like him as those that tune in because they love to hate him. Shock-jock.
I don't know right from left. I don't care. It's not about that for me. It's about crying 'wolf'. It's about being responsible. It's about actually 'doing' something about 'it'. A 'Million Man March'. Fasting. Putting himself 'out-there' and getting dirty up to his elbows. Making a sacrifice. Oreganize his 30 million viewers and make a statement. Not being an alarmist.
That's where a lot of folk are on two different channels. Folks have different views of what is a 'major' discrepency. Since when do we allow, permit, sit-back and say "Pffft." to any discrepancies when it comes to news casting or journalism? I'll tell you. When it's NOT news casting or journalism. Because it's entertainment. Fluff. Political-tabloid-fodder. Crap. We put up with 8 years of it from BUsh and 30 million people have learned nothing. But the media has learned how to exploit it. They have learned how to exploit our mistrust and our willingness to be led like a bunch of lemurs to the cliff. Only Glen won't be jumping. He won't be drinking the Kool-Aid. Why? Because he doesn't belive his own shit. If he did he would take action and stop reacting.
Yeah he does..
He's helping organize the march on the Capital on 9/12.
I just watched the shuttle launch live by stepping right outside my door... last night time launch, perfect skies... freakin incredible!
I watched the last one before this one, a few months ago. THIS is the stuff that really matters -- last opportunities, perfect skies, moments to remember.
If that were the case .... then why are the top four books all conservative books? Perhaps liberals are too busy getting paid and bused to townhall locations to be able to read books. Conservatives don't get paid to show up to townhall meetings- they do it because they fear that we will become more socialistic than the United Kingdom and right behind France.
The reason for Fox beating the tar out of CNN and MSNBC is because NBC/MSNBC doesn't really critize our government because their head of the corporation is now in government and CNN, well, they lost all credibility during the Iraw wars among other things. As well, most of the time, Fox has two people on each side of the coin irrespective of the host's views. If they could just get rid of Geraldo..... lol!