inGame footage of various games. In the future I hope to add reviews. ^_^
Published on August 28, 2009 By aroddoold In Politics

Just saw this:


Awesome! No more proof needed that he is Grand Cyclops of the Tinfoil Brigade.

Epic Seduction Fail. Try to read her thoughts of him on her face.

Glenn Beck screaming like a girl getting dumped by the Jonas Brothers. Starts at 3:38 for the preliminary screams but the epic yell comes at 3:52. It's really worth watching from the beginning.

Beck finally meets his master ... or rather mistress. Hard to believe but it's possible to outcrazy even him. Michele Bachmann's insane ramblings are too much even for Beck.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 29, 2009

willistuder, get your so-called facts straight, bud! the part of the site that needs credentials in order to login to is for car dealers, not private individuals. nowhere did it say that the person logging in would waiving his rights. how do i know this? it may be because a friend of mine whi is a devoted republican owns a local gm dealership and i have spoken to him and his fleet sales manager about the cash for clunkers program over breakfast on more than one occasion. i absolutely love how some nuts such as yourself believe everything beck, hannity, limbaugh, coulter, bachman, and the like say as facts when they aren't.

the fact is beck lied about the site just as he's lied about virtually everything else he's talked about. he was called out by barbara walters about his untruthfulness regarding a meeting of the two when he appeared on The View weeks ago and apologized for it. later that day or the next, he denied it. come on, dude! the man lies!

the sole purpose of FIX news is to rile up the conservative populace of the country and to propagate the political beliefs of rupert murdoch. do i watch FIX? hell no. do i watch MSNBC? yes. do i believe everything said on MSNBC? again, hell no. i can think for myself.

on Aug 29, 2009

extreme radicals

I think Cheney qualifies as an extreme radical. they don't call him Darth Vader cause of his "good" looks.

President Obama is on tape saying that he wants a single-payer health system (that means exclusively government-run),

darn, it is difficult for me to see why turning over the apple cart is such a bad idea. the down side now is that there are tens of millions uninsured, costs are skyrocketing and we, the patients, are getting screwed. this works for you? wouldn't having health care benefits regardless of your employment status provide a certain peace of mind?

what ever happened to being a "can do" kind of country?

on Aug 29, 2009

Are you seriously claiming that the fact that he is associated, and always has been associated with, extreme radicals, is irrelevant and that we can't derive his views on things from that fact,

Yes. Because they aren't the ONLY people he has asscociated with or had a hand in making him the man he has today. You assume he takes from these people their worst attributes to incorporate into his own persona and philosophy. Beck doesn't want to talk about any of his positive influences.  Yet you do not question the character of any one Beck may have associated with in his past (I can't say college days because he didn't attend college) or what he did or came to believe was right or the truth when he was an active alcoholic. You hold Obama up to a higher standard than you do the man who would  go to whichever network offered him the most money to bring Obama down for ratings.

it was seized from the rightful owners

The bondholders were forced to accept 20 cents on the dollar

It's a bitch when you have $4 billion in loans outstanding and you still can't get it right.

The UAW has negotiations for their contractual relationship with the companies

Now they have a say in how the company is run and not in how the owners will run them. The UAW has it's faults. Now, they have no excuses. Co-op. Now they all get a chance to fix it together and they will only have themselves to blame if it fails.

It's dubious that the bill had the capacity to overturn Roe vs. Wade; I know that's the excuse he gives

In your own statement it's still a possibility. SO is he still just giving an 'excuse'?

What about other Marxists in his group of unaccountable Czars right now?

What about them? Everyone wants to point and yell Marxist. Really, what about them? Assuming that they are, to the core, in every fiber of their being Marxists and not just people who may believe there is a something in that philosophy...some crumb or one thought..that may benefit us...what about them?

Everyone is accountable.

on Aug 29, 2009

Glenn Beck acknowledges he's an enterntainer . . . even as somebody who leans right, I'd look to other sources for stuff more researched.

. . . and frankly, that video of Hitler is stupid. Guit by association (in this case putting words in Hitler's mouth to make him sound Republican) is a fallacy.

. . . and I'm amused that people are just slamming each other by throwing around the words "fear mongering," as if that were some deep truth that really matters.

Perhaps someday we can all discuss things in a reasonable, rational, and even logical manner.

Perhaps. Some day.

. . . and just to throw something into the mix: Cash for Clunkers turns out to be wildly successful (unlike most stuff the gov't does) - supposed to last months, doesn't last a week - and I think it's a cool program, and I'm not expecting it to last forever . . .

. . . and all of the sudden, my own party decides (arbitraily, it seems) to hate it? What's up with that?

on Aug 29, 2009

Isn't that supposed to be the purpose of the press? Aren't the politicians supposed to be accountable to the American people?

I have to work on this a bit, the Policiticans who are accountable to the Amercian People are going to looked at by the Press. Who are the press accountable to?

If the Press is also accountable to the American People because they are our watch dogs over the Politicians, then there are some more folks that need to be looking for a job.

Correct. High time we demand and force much greater transparancy from government. Their arrogance needs punitive correction.

I agree. My point was that there should be government watchdogs, and that is what the press should be doing (I was not trying to suggest that the press always does their job). Ultimately, it is our job as citizens to be watchdogs over the whole system. We are supposed to be be the ones in charge.

on Aug 29, 2009

Perhaps someday we can all discuss things in a reasonable, rational, and even logical manner.

But that's not what blogging is for.

on Aug 29, 2009

Blogging? Huh ???? How did get get to talking about that?????????


EDIT: Ohhhhh - - - - that's right, Stardock's forum software intergrates with some blog stuff.

Sorry - I'm on the forum side of things.

on Aug 29, 2009


I remember 8 years of baseless fear-mongering when George Bush was president--nobody seemed to mind that, and now that you have someone who is genuinely dangerous, hey, don't worry about it.

I remember BEFORE the 8 years George Bush was president, the same fear-mongering of this present day was going on over Bill Clinton's 8-year presidency, and for some reason, the country didn't get taken over by Marxists and communists.  I'm old enough now to have seen the "what goes around comes around" stuff and it strikes me as simply ludicrous!  At this point, it's totally laughable.  The status quo for at least the last 50 years has made the planet's landlord's very rich and powerful and nothing is going to change that -- it's going to keep going on exactly as it has with the facade of opposing parties stirring up fear on the current flavor of the day.  It's really not worth getting bent out of shape over.

Maybe you don't know this, but Hitler was a socialist, the head of the National Socialist Workers Party, also known in the short form as the Nazi party.

And Mussolini was a fascist and an ally of Hitler, who said "Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail", and "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."  

Words like "Socialist" "Marxist" "Fascist" ...they have different definitions to different people, and using the word to incite fear is the tool of manipulators.  I've been manipulated enough in my lifetime to know that I became a puppet, I looked like a fool, I wasted valuable, precious moments of my life worrying about "what if" when I should have been enjoying myself, and I'm done with it!  (BTW - this worrying that I'm talking about was under the Clinton years when I was part of the religious right bordering on the lunatic fringe.  I was spouting the same stuff you're spouting now about Marxism and Socialism.)  I swung so right I ended up left.  Politics in this country is absurd.  At this point, I'm just in it for the entertainment value.

on Aug 29, 2009

Isn't that supposed to be the purpose of the press? Aren't the politicians supposed to be accountable to the American people?

I have to work on this a bit, the Policiticans who are accountable to the Amercian People are going to looked at by the Press. Who are the press accountable to?

If the Press is also accountable to the American People because they are our watch dogs over the Politicians, then there are some more folks that need to be looking for a job.

Correct. High time we demand and force much greater transparancy from government. Their arrogance needs punitive correction.

I agree. My point was that there should be government watchdogs, and that is what the press should be doing (I was not trying to suggest that the press always does their job). Ultimately, it is our job as citizens to be watchdogs over the whole system. We are supposed to be be the ones in charge.

I never did expand on what I was trying to say.  I'll give it a shot. 

Policiticans, all though hard to believe, are put into office by those that vote, so there is a direct link as to whom they are responsible to.  The prees, or the media in more general terms, aren't elected they are for the most part privetly own corporations beholding to an owner or borard of directors.  If you haven't noticed they have some very specific agendas  other then just reporting the news.  They are not repoonsible to the American Public.  So take it from there.

My point to replying to threads such as these is very basic.  We all need to realize that even when we try to have a discussion on any subject that is ever so slightly politically related we break down into one side vs the other side.  Why, because that is what we have been conditioned to do.  Is it wrong, no, not if at the end of the disucssion both sides can come to an understanding and agreement as to the best course of action to take. 

And folkss, here is the rub, all of us hard working, tax paying, bill paying millions of Americans are being herded like sheep by a few thousnad Politicians.  We need a government and political system for sure, not doubt.  But it is way past the time that they need to be reminded just who they represent.

Sorry for this, I didn't and don't mean to offend anyone.  Just like everyone that posted replies here and on other threads such as this one, this is just my opinion, worth no more or no less then the rest.

Smile, feel good, and say hello to everyone you meet, that really messes with peoples minds.

on Aug 29, 2009

For the Right:  where were you when Bush was passing the Patriot Act?  Patriot Act good but emergency control of the internet bad?


For the Left:  where you when Bush was being compared to Hitler?  Bush = Hitler = good but Obama = Hitler = bad?

on Aug 29, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

The clunkers were destroyed, rather than resold, which has driven up the cost of used cars. The website was for private dealers, alright, and the waiver was up for a few days. I saw a press briefing from the White House where they acknowleged that it was a mistake and that it was being removed. It was only there for a couple of days.

Mr. Obama's associates

Does he have any that aren't serious radicals? I suppose so, but remember, he said he purposefully sought out radicals of various stripes, as he still does. What good is served by having ALL of his Czars being Marxists and revolutionaries and bombers and so on. I don't need to assume he has been influenced by these people; I know he has from his own words. Why pick them and them in charge if he doesn't agree with them? They are not accountable to Congress like a Cabinet member is. There are no hearings, they can't be brought before Congress to testify. This doesn't bother you? So, what about them? They are in charge, they aren't drinking buddies. They get to decide how much executives of a formerly private corporation get to make, as an example. Do you want them to decide how much you make next? These aren't theoretical possiblities, either, these are facts, in practise.


What, no tears for the people whose pension money went up in smoke? So, it's alright for a government to seize private assets, and give them to someone who hasn't paid for them? The UAW is one of the main reasons for GM and Chrysler being in a state of bankruptcy; it's their pension funds that cost so much that the companies can't afford them. To say that they didn't have a say (and why should they have, they didn't own or pay for the companies at the time) isn't really true; they had so much influence that there were a bunch of people on salary who didn't actually do any work.

Glenn Beck

I'll tell you a secret--I haven't actually watched many of his shows, but I have seen several that had videos of President Obama making his statements--but of course, just because he said those things doesn't really mean he said them, have I got that right? Once again, we're allowed to use his past to discern his character, but in the case of President Obama, we aren't, apparently.


on Aug 29, 2009

The clunkers were destroyed, rather than resold, which has driven up the cost of used cars.

Firgive me if I sound a bit dense - but I thought that this was between consumers and new car sales? Where does used car sales come in?

on Aug 29, 2009


The clunkers were destroyed, rather than resold, which has driven up the cost of used cars.

Firgive me if I sound a bit dense - but I thought that this was between consumers and new car sales? Where does used car sales come in?

because there are less used cars to sell with still the same demand, therefore the price goes up

on Aug 29, 2009

okay, I'll bite,

Cash For Clunkers

what don't you understand about the program. the premise was to turn in fuel guzzlers for cars with better gas mileage. what then, to resell the gas guzzlers and put them back on the road thus negating the base purpose of the program.

Mr. Obama's associates

not ragging however you're loosely throwing labels on people without the specifics. I don't know all of the facts of these people involved but it should be about deeds. you may not agree with their deeds but if they were for the general good...


I thought pension funds were held in pension fund accounts that are separate from general funds. they are after all the employee's money with some percentage of employer contributions. not sure but that is what I thought was the case.

unions: as with most things there is a down side and an upside. the down side is seeking lofty goals during contract negotiations while taking care of the basics should really suffice, it has also been a factor in manufacturing going overseas(you know, the greed thing). the up side is that the unions brought up the living standard for the working class which in turn helped to create the middle class. I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence.

Glenn Beck

you're comparing glenn beck, shock jock, to the Office of the President of the United States of America. Obama is trying to keep a country together and manage world affairs, I don't know what beck hopes to accomplish but I think it might have to do something about ratings.

so I take it you don't like Obama. I like him a lot more than the last one but recognize that he is just a human being.

on Aug 29, 2009

In any case, it wasn't meant to be a permanent program. and the new cars bought with it will become used soon enough. The used car market should recover.

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