Just saw this:
Awesome! No more proof needed that he is Grand Cyclops of the Tinfoil Brigade.
Epic Seduction Fail. Try to read her thoughts of him on her face.
Glenn Beck screaming like a girl getting dumped by the Jonas Brothers. Starts at 3:38 for the preliminary screams but the epic yell comes at 3:52. It's really worth watching from the beginning.
Beck finally meets his master ... or rather mistress. Hard to believe but it's possible to outcrazy even him. Michele Bachmann's insane ramblings are too much even for Beck.
Why has nobody in this thread mentioned that Glenn Beck can't spell? That seems to be the main point of the video. An Oligarh - emphasis on the ARH - is clearly rule by Age of Exploration-era pirates, which is funny. That someone would do such an amateurish thing in a prepared broadcast for millions of people is even funnier.
The fact that we divide Left and Right doesn't bother me.
When members attack each other with vitriol bothers me greatly.
Enough of all this. No one's going to change anyone else's mind. We only become more deeply entrenched.
What does need to get looked at is the why's and wherefore's of this anger. Are we using each other as proxies?
If you have a bone to pick with the President, pick it with him. Get a ticket to a Town-Hall meeting!
I cannot fathom this anger and rage and it needs to be explained: Both the rage and polarity that affects society and this Forum. If we're going to have a discussion then let's keep cool heads and even tempers and not attack each other.
If someone/anyone attacks Glenn Beck or ridicules him or Keith Olbermann, Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow, etc. that person isn't attacking you. This isn't a group of nine years old children, "You picked on my best friend and I'm gonna pick on you or yours", for heaven's sake!
LOL....see response #1.
My opinion is, we are all getting huffy and puffy here about the government this and that,
but we never do anything about it to change a darn thing.. We vote'em in and they still do whatever they want. Does it really matter if Democrat or Republican???? Is this the real democracy????? Maybe not,but nothing is going to change soon, only our taxes..........Work more, keep less, that's the way to go
I decided to conduct a little experiment.
I didn't see the Beck episode in question & did not watch the vid clip in the OP.
Thought I'd read through the comments to see if I could discern the subject matter from the vigorous debate of the issues that I was certain was to follow the OP. Silly me, not until Willistuder's post on page 3 did I get an inkling, and I'm still not sure.
Now their ALL Marxists and bombers???? I guess the white ones are to throw off the Beck accusation that he's a racist? FOX news better have you on their Christmas card list.
Do you know HOW he is influenced. What I said was:
IF you thought they were a positive influence you wouldn't keep using words like Marxist. Truth be told, you or I don't know how they influence him at all.Or how he influences them? And now you're assuming they agree on everything. Most Marxists can't even agree on the definition or interpratation of what Marxism is or should be. But Obama has found 32 people who are in 100% total agreement on every aspect of how the government should be run and it's people governed? That would be a hell of an accomplishment when you look at how may folks have resigned due to differences with the commander in chief in the past.
As for Chrysler, it was in 2007, before Obama...
DaimlerChrysler and Cerberus Capital Management, who were buying Chrysler Group, agreed to invest $1.2 billion in the pension fund of Chrysler workers under terms of the sale, according to their union, the United Automobile Workers.
They couldn't manage their money then.
Yeah, I shed a tear. For all the folks who weren't pulling in bloated salaries sruffed with insane bonuses that could feed a thrid world country for a year. I guess my question is, Why don't you go and ask the big decision makers at Chrysler if they shed a tear? Ask them how many times the government is supposed to bail them out before enough is enough?
When the government gave them the bailout money, Chrysler sent home nearly half of its employees, cutting its white collar work force by 20,000 and laying off 42,600 of its hourly workers after the loan guarantees were signed into law. The number of employees laid off at Chrysler in this period is at least as large—and may even have been larger—than the number of jobs that probably would have been lost had Chrysler actually been forced into bankruptcy at that time.
The Chrysler version of industrial policy, therefore, fleeced the company's creditors, resulted in a 50 percent reduction in Chrysler's workforce, rewarded the least deserving of Chrysler's stockholders, and let the U.S. taxpayer risk his money in a bankrupt company. This we were told, is the shining example for America's new industrial policy.
Were we supposed to just keep forking over the dough and let them continue like this?
Let me put it to you this way...
I post to debate threads the same way some people (men usually) play basketball or football -- talk a lot of trash, make a lot of noise, push the competition thing, sound really ticked off because of the frustration factor, but after it's all over, shake hands and acknowledge it's simply a game. (Then, like any training exercise, withdraw, think about it, learn from it, and come back to try again).
Did you just call me an ignorant slut?
The fact that some.. or even one of them is.. should be enough cause for concern or a reason to take a more scrutinous look.
That's what Beck is doing.
Naaah...I heard (despite the kissing booth) you're a virgin.
From Glen Beck.com :
Brainroom. (insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here)
In Glenn Beck's own words on his own website where he lists 32 of Obama's so called czars, not once does he use the word 'bomb', 'bomber', or 'Marxist'. Maybe when he says it on TV it's entertainment but if he puts it on his website with out proof to back it up, it's slander or lible.
Funny how, when, and where he chooses to do it.
He does use the word communist. Here's Becks take on Van Jones ;
But in jail, he said, "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'" Although he already had a plane ticket, he decided to stay in San Francisco. "I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary." In the months that followed, he let go of any lingering thoughts that he might fit in with the status quo. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist." In 1994, the young activists formed a socialist collective, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, which held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin and dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia. They protested police brutality and got arrested for crashing through police barricades. In 1996, Jones decided to launch his own operation, which he named the Ella Baker Center after an unsung hero of the civil-rights movement.
Here's what he left out.
In 1992, during a protest of the Rodney King verdict in San Francisco, police officers illegally arrested Jones and hundreds of other participants in a peaceful protest march. Jones, at the time a law student at Yale Law School, participated as a volunteer, legal monitor. The District Attorney later dropped the charges against Jones. The unlawfully arrested protesters, including Jones, won a small legal settlement. The incident deepened Jones's "disaffection with the system and accelerated [his] political radicalization." His outrage over the Rodney King verdict radicalized him to the point where he declared himself a communist and actively began protesting police brutality. He later got involved with Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a collective which "dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia". Frustrated keeping coalitions together to make positive social change, Jones "discarded the hostility and antagonism with which he had previously greeted the world, which he said was part of the ego-driven romance of being seen as a revolutionary." "Before, we would fight anybody, any time," Jones says of his transformation. "No concession was good enough; we never said 'Thank you.' Now, I put the issues and constituencies first. I'll work with anybody, I'll fight anybody if it will push our issues forward. ... I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends". Jones ended his involvement with STORM (and STORM officially dissolved in December 2002)
And here's a list of awards the 'communist' has won, most of them after becoming a communist and then dissolving those ties.
My favorite is One of 17 “Sexiest Men Living”; Salon.com . Karl must be rolling over in his grave.
I'm sure Beck was going to get to all of that. Sorry if I stepped on his toes.
Outside of the Scripps National Spelling Bee, mispelling words on live TV is always HI-larious!
Oligarhy -- pronounced: olly-gary
Potatoe -- pronounced: po-tat-oh-wee
Good point...
What's this nonsense about there not being a bomber on the list of czars?
SDS, Weathermen, Weather Underground. Jeff Jones is a founding member of each. Each is a progressively more violent splinter organization from the last. The list of directly attributable actions on his part includes what most of us would call treason. Read it. The guy should be rotting in prison along with the Ayers trash, who are also, unsurprisingly, Obama's friends.
We got laughed at before he was elected for pointing out that relationship, they just shared a board together was all. You guys are making a big deal out of nothing! So then he goes and appoints one of the groups other founding terrorists to a high level job. Is it a problem now? Nah, they're not all terrorists, only some of them are!
A year ago, I wasn't this pessimistic.
We have a president that can't get the number of States in the Union right, on national television, reading from a prepared speech. He's scary fucking stupid when he doesn't have a teleprompter, makes Bush look good.
I know you guy still watching the big three missed all the wonderfully moronic and scary things the asshat in chief said along the way, but those of us that don't have a rectal blockage aren't so blissfully ignorant. I'm not going to get real excited over someone spelling oligarchy wrong. Half of the people posting in this thread probably had to look it up to see what it meant.
Where does winning an award negate one's being a communist? Please don't make my give you a list of prominent communists with more awards. That kind of research on satellite is a real bitch. Further more, the other information that you gave us doesn't do you any good.
"Now, I put the issues and constituencies first. I'll work with anybody, I'll fight anybody if it will push our issues forward. ... I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends"
It's kinda self explanatory... You did read that before you posted it, right?
It really boggles my mind that the people that make up and surround this entire admin. aren't as obvious in their records, behaviour, reputation and just in general to a lot of you as they are to me.. and some others.
Most of this stuff is on record, right before your eyes.. and still.. its as if anything and everything said about them is somehow negated by 'you just dont like Obama" or.. "thats just crazy, your a wing nut!"
It's dismissed as... nothing.. as if it never did.. or isn't happening..at all.... as if its all fabricated.
Mindblowing, I mean I seriously don't want to offend anyone but to brush off most of what I, Fox, Beck, folks here, other plentyful sources believe is to me sorta dumb.
Ive always thought that someone who ignores something staring them right in the face was either in denial or so politicallly partisan they couldn't see the truth when it was sitting accross from them in a room.. with one table.. and two chairs.
I'm not republican or Democrat, I'm neither a liberal or a conservative ... I can't even vote.
What I do consider myself to be is.. intelligent... maybe.. a good judge of character.. concerned and above all.. extremely cynical.
I really believe that most of you criticizing the folks that I tend to watch.. have really spent much time actually watching them.
If you'd had, and had any sense in your heads I'm postive you wouldn't be so weighted against them
I think some of you should lay your guards down a bit.. stop being so political and have another look... and listen.
Lastly.. to me, saying to me that the things I believe in, the people I believe in are ASS CLOWNS, Fearmongerers, corrupted, racists etc... is.. at least to me.. a bit of an insult.. to me... and I'm sure others.
Now, I think Ill kick back and wait on that tax cut I heard so much about during the campaign.